Academic Assessment
Learning outcomes assessment is the ongoing process of collecting, analyzing, and discussing data to make informed and consistent decisions for the continuous improvement of student learning and development. An assessment provides useful information to report credibly on student achievement and guides faculty and staff in promoting student success.
TCC is committed to systematic, ongoing assessment of learning outcomes in both academic and non-academic programs. Our assessment work supports accreditation by addressing Criterion Four of the Higher Learning Commission’s standard to “demonstrate responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and evaluate their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement.”
Assessment Cycle
- Define and plan outcomes
- Assess Outcomes
- Analyze and discuss results
- Make changes
Institutional Learning Outcomes
TCC has four Institutional Learning Outcomes, which express a shared, college-wide articulation of expectations for all degree and certificate earners. The Institutional Learning Outcomes represent a profile of our students upon completion of their credentials, and as such, also represent a promise to our students and our community.
Students acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills through their coursework and in co-curricular activities. Upon the completion of their credential, students will have met TCC’s four Institutional Learning Outcomes: Communication Skills, Critical Thinking, Personal Responsibility, and Social Responsibility. These learning outcomes are intended to be student-centered and flexible enough to be measured uniquely across all fields of study and student experiences at TCC.
Communication Skills: Graduates will be able to exchange information or ideas through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other modes of interpersonal expression.
Critical Thinking: Graduates will be able to evaluate existing information in order to form judgments, raise new questions, and/or implement creative and effective solutions.
Personal Responsibility: Graduates will be able to implement the skills necessary for physical, financial, mental, and/or emotional well-being.
Social Responsibility: Graduates will be able to evaluate one’s ethics and traditions in relation to others in order to respectfully interact with diverse groups.
Resources for Faculty & Staff
Log in to the MyTCC Office of Assessment Portal for assessment resources and request forms.